Friday, February 6, 2015

FSX Development

     This section of my blog will cover building, designing, and editing airports.

     Building airports for yourself has so many benefits, your able to build any payware quality airport for free. You can also build aircraft of all kinds. Right now i'm working on the Des Moines International Airport, or KDSM, and also my home airport Ankeny Regional Airport. Creating airports is a lot of fun. You can make it as detailed or poor quality as you want. I will also be posting tutorials from my YouTube channel. Bye the end of these tutorials you will have learned many skills that you can use on other projects. What skills will I learn? the one I will cover the most is 3d modeling. You will also learn what I call computer art, you will learn how to make textures to place on those 3d objects you create. If you don't already know this, textures are just pictures that can be pasted on a 3d object such as a runway or a hangar.

     There are several programs I use to build these airports. I currently use Blender 3d(for 3d modeling), Sketchup(also for 3d modeling), and Gimp(for texturing). Most people prefer Photoshop which is great tool if you have it, or if you are thinking of buying it, but I use gimp because its free, and I love free stuff. There are many other programs that you need to make scenery for FSX, but I will cover that later.

     You will be surprised at the realism that you can build into these airports.

     In order to follow along in these lessons you must have the Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK(FSX Software Development Kit), you can find it on your FSX installation discs. I will talk about the installation process later on.

     I'm sorry if I confuse you, or simplify things to much, or even miss a couple steps. I will be trying to teach these things as if I were a beginner.

 And make sure to check out my YouTubechannel

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